Professor accreditation


Permanent Professor (DP)

(DP - compose the Permanente Core / NP) - The PPG has its policy of accompanying professors through criteria of accreditation, re-accreditation and disqualification. The accreditation applies to the entry of new professors in the PPG in each CAPES evaluation period, except for occasional and specific situations that may significantly improve the PPG metrics. The re-accreditation at the NP or at the Collaborators' Core / NC and the disqualification apply to the CD at the end of each CAPES evaluation period. The accreditation criteria for new professors to PPG follow those indicated for courses with a doctorate in the current area document, in the current evaluation period, published by the PPG evaluation area at CAPES. Applicants to the NP must be linked to UFAL, propose effective involvement in disciplines of the PPG-DIBICT curriculum and have at least one orientation completed at the master's level. It is also necessary that, in the last 4 (four) years, have scientific production considered valid by the criteria of the PPG evaluation area at CAPES in a quantity equal to or higher than the average performance of the courses rated 5 (five) in the PPG evaluation area in CAPES: at least 6 (six) publications in journals with a percentile equal to or greater than 50 OR at least 2 (two) publications in journals with a percentile equal to or greater than 75, 50% of these productions must have been in the last 2 (two) years. Professor with ongoing guidance, who does not meet the indicated criteria, will remain on the CD until the end of the current orientation, not being able to supervise new students until the criteria are fulfilled, being reassessed at the end of the orientation according to the indicated criterion. The scientific-technological production included in the candidates' CV-Lattes must adhere to the PPG assessment area at CAPES and more specifically the PPG research lines. The criteria for re-accreditation and disqualification are applied at the end of each CAPES evaluation period, with the minimum level indicated for accreditation to the NP, however they must meet the goals proposed by the PPG for the incoming quadrennium, always based on the metrics of the evaluation form of the PPG evaluation area at CAPES. If there is a change in the metrics by the PPG evaluation committee at CAPES, the levels to be required may be reviewed at the DIBICT Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Seminar, approved by the Board and published in the meeting minutes with an explicit agenda for that point.

Collaborating Professor (DC)

(DC - compose the core of Collaborators / NC) must offer or collaborate in disciplines and have at least 50% of the demands for framing for DP, without exceptionalities. The percentage of collaborators cannot exceed 25% of the CD, except in the case of newly doctors, if accepted by CAPES, and they must always be linked via scholarship or employment with UFAL or with a research and higher education institution, as decided by the PPG board.